Providing civil litigation collection services in Cincinnati, OH

Learn About Your Options to Resolve Unpaid Invoices

When you need someone to collect funds owed to your business, enforce judgments or represent you in court over unresolved disputes, turn to Nieberding & Nieberding CO. LPA. As a civil litigation collection attorney working in Cincinnati, OH, I’ve helped countless contractors, subcontractors and suppliers recover unpaid amounts.

You don’t need to suffer financial losses due to the complexity of the legal system. Arrange for civil litigation collections through my office today.

Is it worth hiring an attorney for civil litigation?

Timely civil litigation collections can protect your business interests and strengthen your future contractual agreements. As a civil litigation collection attorney, I can…

  • File a lien to secure payment for labor or materials provided.
  • Represent you as a subcontractor in a dispute over unpaid invoices.
  • Enforcing a judgment to collect funds owed under a court ruling.
  • Negotiate payment plans between you and contractors to avoid court.
  • Defend your rights as a contractor in disputes over project terms.

I’ll do everything in my power to help you get the best possible resolution in your case and help you collect the payments you’re owed.

Give your business the advantage of professional representation by setting up a consultation today.

A dollar bill is sitting on a wooden table next to a plant.
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